[ใหม่] Revolution [pc CD-ROM]
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Details of Revolution
Brand : AcTiVision
Genre : shooter-action-game-genre
Age Rating : Mature
ReleaseDate : 2002-10-08
Hardware Platform : pc
Platform : Windows XP
Package Format : CD-ROM
Details Of Revolution
The next step in human advancement is here -- prepare to deal with the consequences! / Rated M: Mature- In the future, the Corporation is using cloning technologies to create a new race of humanity - The New Breed. But a resistance movement believes this to be a threat, and they've sworn to destroy the Corporation. You are a Corporation employee contacted by the Resistance -- they want you to be their man on the inside. Which side will you be on?
- Incredible graphics and sound create an immersive game world where you'll fight for the Corporation or the Resistance
- Incredible action and fully interactive environments as you play through 20 amazing levels
- Fully customizable weapons & attachments let you create hundreds of weapons combinations -- be as subtle or as explosive as you need to be
- Several great multiplayer modes keep the action going