[ใหม่] Olympian Labs Virgin Coconut Oil - Certified Organic ( Coconut oil Olympian Labs )

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9 $

  • Olympian Labs Virgin Coconut Oil - Certified Organic ( Coconut oil Olympian Labs ) รูปที่ 1
  • Olympian Labs Virgin Coconut Oil - Certified Organic ( Coconut oil Olympian Labs ) รูปที่ 2
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Specification of Olympian Labs Virgin Coconut Oil - Certified Organic

Brand : Olympian Labs

Size : 10 fl.oz

Number of items : 1

Ingredients : Supplement Facts Serving Size: One Tablespoon (14g) Serving Per size: 20 Amount per serving %DV Calories 126 ** Calories from Fat 126 ** Total Fat 14 g 22% Saturated Fat 12.74 g 64% Polyunsaturated Fat 0.14 g 0% Monounsaturated Fat 1.12 g 0% Trans Fat 0 g 0% Cholesterol 0 g 0% Sodium 0 mg 0% Total Carbohydrates 0 mg 0% Protein 0 mg 0% Fatty Acid Profile ** C6:0 Caproic Acid 0.5 1% C8:0 Caprylic Acid 10 12% C10:0 capric Acid 7 9% C12:0 Lauric Acid 52 54% C14:0 Myristic Acid 15 17% C16:0 Palmitic

Details Of Olympian Labs Virgin Coconut Oil - Certified Organic
Olympian Labs Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is found in Quezon Province located in the Philippines.  Our coconut oil contains only the natural taste of coconuts without the added synthetic smell often associated with coconut oil products.  Olympian Labs Organic Virgin coconut oil does not contain any artificial or synthetic fragrances or coloring and is completely safe to ingest.  Olympian Labs uses 100% mechanically pressed and naturally refined, Organic Virgin coconut oil (Cocos nucifera). Our coconut oil is 100% Vegetarian, Non-GMO, unbleached and does not contain any oils. It is loaded with super fatty acids (lauric, capric and caprylic), which may have strong microbial properties. Lauric acid is currently being tested in clinical trials as a treatment for genital Herpes, Hepatitis C, and HIV. Early clinical results have been very promising and show exciting possibilities for an important new weapon in alternative medicine. Coconut oil contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids, that get converted to energy through the body’s natural metabolism because coconut oil actually stimulates metabolism it actually protects against high cholesterol and obesity. For more information, visit www.coconut-info.com Supplement Facts Servings Size: O
  1. Does not contain any artificial or synthetic fragrances or coloring
  2. Completely safe to ingest
  3. 100% mechanically pressed and naturally refined
  4. 100% vegetarian
  5. Non-GMO
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