[ใหม่] Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Game Shooter [pc CD-ROM]
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Details of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Brand : UBI Soft
Genre : Shooter Action Games
Game Edition : Standard Edition
Age Rating : Mature
ReleaseDate : 2006-11-28
Hardware Platform : pc
Platform : Windows XP
Package Format : CD-ROM
Details Of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Your mission is straight forward... infiltrate theobservatory and protect the hostages should negotiations fail.Product InformationSin City is about to get a wake-up call. The entertainment capital of theworld. Thousands of unsuspecting tourists visit each day. Thousandsmore call it home. But on this day something has gone terriblywrong. The Strip has become a battleground. Fremont Street is nolonger safe. And casinos are being blown up one by one. Test yourskills online using a customizable persona that evolves as you play. Maneuver through multiple-path Vegas environments while utilizing high-techequipment like the snake cam. Test your skills online using custom. Master assault and recon techniques like fast-roping rappelling window entryblind-cover fire and more. On this day Rainbow Six is the city's lasthope. 2005 - The terrorist threat to Vegas is still five years away but theseeds of deceit are soon to be planted. And you unknowingly are about to playa central role.You are Bishop leader of Rainbow’s elite Bravo Team. You’ve been orderedto a desolate observatory where a hostage stand-off is underway. Your mission isstraightforward: infiltrate the observatory and protect the hostages shouldnegotiations fail. But you’re experienced enough to know that things have afunny way of not going as planned...2010 / Las Vegas Nevada - The tragic events at the observatory are now amemory but the terrorist threat in Sin City is very real. While Logan Keller isin pursuit of Irina Morales in Mexico Six has ordered your team to Vegas.There terrorist mastermind Alvarez Cabrero is hatching a scheme to bring SinCity to its knees - and it’s up to your team alone to stop him from turningVegas into a devastated inferno.Return to Sin City for the last time in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and put an end tothe terrorist threat. There you’ll unravel a web of betrayal that will takeyou be- Play as a new leader with a new team - Tactics play a MAJOR role in your team's success, as each member comes equipped with his own skill set -- recon, heavy weapons, demolition, long range attack and electronics
- Experience a new level of squad-based realism, as your teammates offer real-time tactical suggestions like busting through walls or hacking computers
- Use tactical planning to maneuver through multiple mission paths, with high-tech equipment, like snake cams that tag terrorist targets to your teammates, prior to entering a room
- Real-Time immersion - Real-time mission briefings, all in the midst of the most intense combat ever played
- Motion-captured assault and recon techniques, for realistic gameplay animation - Fast roping, rappelling, window entry, blind-cover fire, and more