[ใหม่] LG 60PZ950 on sale

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LG 60PZ950 on sale

LG 60PZ950 Description:

·         Bring your content alive with full 1080p HD 3D technology

·         THX 3D Display certified ensuring you're bringing an uncompromised 3D HD experience home

·         Smart TV allows you to access limitless content, thousands of movies, customizable apps, videos and the best of the web all organized in a simple to use interface

·         LG's TruBlack Filter helps block glare while boosting images on the screen to improve picture quality and contrast ratio

TIPS: Run to a few of the stores you’re planning to hit on Black Friday in advance and grab any coupon fliers, visit websites or watch for deals in the coupon section in the newspaper the week before. This will help you devise a clear list for what items you plan to get from each store. Create a list of stores you plan to shop at, what time they open and what you need so you can get in and out as quickly as possible

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