[ใหม่] Get Low Price on Makita MAC5200 Big Bore 3.0 HP Air Compressor

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Makita's 3.0 HP Air Compressor is equipped with Makita's Big Bore engineered pump cylinder and piston for higher output for two nailers, with less noise and improved job site performance. The MAC5200 delivers industrial power and results with improved durability, and includes rugged wheels and folding handle for easy transport.
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3.0 HP with Big Bore Engineered Pump
The MAC5200 is powered by a 3.0 HP motor with built-in thermal overload for additional protection. The Makita Big Bore engineered pump with cast iron cylinder has greater bore and stroke for increased compression, faster recovery and less noise. The cast iron construction is engineered for increased durability even under tough job site conditions.
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The MAC5200 has an oil-lubricated pump and is equipped with a large automotive style filter for increased air intake and greater efficiency. The 5.2 gallon tank sustains an operating pressure of 140 PSI and delivers 40PSI (6.9 CFM) and 90 PSI (6.5 CFM), enough for two nailers. The oil-lubricated pump runs cooler, and the finned discharge tubing dissipates heat more efficiently. The roll-cage construction is built for extra protection for the pump and motor assembly, helping it withstand harsh jobsite environments. Ease-of-use and convenience features include tool hangers, a built-in storage compartment for air fittings and accessories, and an air hose wrap to store 50 feet of 3/8-inch air hose with handle folded or upright. Other features include a convenient oil drain and oil sight glass, and a tank drain valve that supersedes standard petcock design for easier maintenance.